Ultimate Dog

Dog leash walking

Ultimate Guide to Dog Leash Walking: Mastering the Loose Leash

One of the biggest mistakes people make when dog leash training is yanking back on the leash. This doesn't teach your dog anything except that a tight leash is a fact of life, and they should ignore it. What we really want is for your dog to pay attention to a tight leash and realize they have the power to loosen it.

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kennel cough in dogs

Natural Kennel Cough Treatment for Dogs

Kennel cough is most common in places where dogs are housed in high numbers. This includes boarding kennels, daycares, groomers, and shelters. Not only are these places crowded, but they tend to be warm and moist, the perfect conditions for harboring pathogens. And, more importantly, the dogs in these places tend to be stressed, which weakens their immune system.

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natural antibiotics for dogs

5 Best Natural Antibiotics for Dogs According to Science 

Messing with the gut is messing with canine health. The most concerning side effects from antibiotics include chronic diarrhea, weakened immune system, higher risk for developing allergies, lowered levels of serotonin (leading to neurological side effects), increased chance of obesity, impaired functioning of kidneys and the liver, heart arrhythmias, and lung disease.

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Cytopoint for dogs

Cytopoint Injection for Dogs – What You Need to Know

Cytopoint injection is marketed as not being a canine immune system suppression drug like Apoquel and other popular atopic dermatitis drugs. While it is true that it is not a blanket immunosuppressive, it does very much suppress a part of the immune system. And, given how many jobs this part has, suppressing it is very likely to cause system-wide problems.

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Can dogs be vegetarian?

Can Dogs Be Vegetarian? Biology, Nutrition, and Dietary Evolution

A few decades ago, the question of dogs on a vegetarian diet would hardly cross anyone’s mind. Dogs are the descendants of domesticated wolves, so a meat-based diet is what they would choose for themselves. It’s been many centuries since dogs could pick their own diet, though, so the responsibility for their nutrition now lies solely with their guardians. The diet of any modern dog is shaped significantly by his owners’ personal beliefs and lifestyle practices.

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Natural dewormers for dogs

5 Natural Dewormers for Dogs: Safe and Effective Solutions for Better Health

Don't let flashy marketing campaigns fool you. Synthetic dog dewormers are poisons. They may be effective at killing intestinal worms, but they also do damage to the liver and kidneys. Normal side effects include digestive upset, seizures, and lethargy. If too much of these chemicals are ingested, which can happen in dogs who frequently get parasite infections, organ failure, coma, and death can result.

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